As you know my family has been working hard on putting together blessing bags for the homeless. I was recently introduced to an awesome band by a friend and wanted to know more about them. On their website I saw a quote from Mother Teresa and it really moved me regarding this blessing bag project because all I keep thinking about is that putting these bags together is really a small thing to do in light of the hardships that homeless men and woman face.
Mother Teresa said:
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.”
I can’t think of a more inspirational example of someone who has given her life for the needs of others than Mother Teresa. She spent her life poured out for “the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the lepers, all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society, people that have become a burden to the society and are shunned by everyone.”
I may never be as awesome as Mother Teresa, but the more I give myself to value the things she valued – which is really just the things that Jesus himself valued – the more I will be broken over the needs of those whom Matthew 25 refers to as “the least of these.”
These blessing bags won’t “feed” a hundred or wipe out poverty in our city but they will make a difference for someONE. And everyone is wildly important aren’t they?!
I’m in.
If you want to make some blessing bags of your own check out the Resource Page I put together to make it easy for you. Weou can download a printable checklist of items for Basic Blessing Bags or Blessing Backpacks! I created a blessing bag board on Pinterest which you can link to from the button below!