Around the dinner table is where some of the richest memories were made for many of us when we were growing up, so I wanted to put together this resource of 102 Family Dinner Conversations for your family and mine to enjoy.
These Family Dinner Conversation starters make dinner time so much more interactive. We don’t use them at every meal but we do pull them down most nights. The window questions are my favorite. I like how they naturally pull those feelings and other important info out of our kiddos without them feeling like they are having to dig deep.
We all know how little the “how was school today?” question yields!!!
The topics covered in these dinner conversations run the range from:
- If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
- Is it more fun being a parent or a child?
- What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
- Where would you go if you could travel back in time?
- What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?
- What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?
- What trait has gotten you in the most trouble?
- If you could have one dream come true, what would it be?
Thought Provoking
- What makes someone “cool”?
- If you could ask God just one question, what would it be?
- What would you do if you only had one more day to live?
- What are three ways to show someone you love them without using words?
Window Questions
- What is your favorite thing about yourself? What is your least favorite?
- What is the funniest thing that happened to you this week?
- If you could change one thing about your life what would it be?
- What is one thing that stressed you out today?
Directions for Making Your Own Dinner Conversations
Supplies You’ll Need:
- Wide Mouth Mason Jar
- Heavy Weight Decorative/Scrapbook Paper
- Scissors
- Paper Trimmer *optional
- String or Bakers Twine
1. Download and Print the 102 Dinner Conversation Starter questions.

4. Fold each one separately. This part is fun for the kids. Justice is only 4 and she was able to do it.5. Trace the self-sealing flat part of the lid on your favorite decorative paper and cut the circle. I like using the heavier weight scrapbook paper for this because it holds up better than the thin stuff.
6. After you have your paper circle cut, glue it to the flat self-sealing part of the lid.
7. Lay a thin bead of glue around the top of the screw top lid and adhere the flat lid with paper to it.
8. Cut out a tag and hole punch it in the top center. *the printable has tags you can use.
9. Tie the twine and tag around the mason jar.
We made these as gifts for our friends and family using the standard mason jar lids but I have a slight obsession with gold leafing EVERYTHING so ours is a little bit more custom.
I hope you guys love these as much as we have! It’s also great to whip these out when we’re exhausted or cranky. It’s a good distraction and really changes the tone which helps get us back on track and laughing again.
TAKE ACTION: If you don’t have the time to make your own Family Dinner Conversation Jar right now, just print out the questions and your family can still benefit!