Sexual intimacy is so much more than the mere act of sex. Nurturing an emotional connection with your wife outside of the bedroom is just as important as tending to her needs inside of it. One of the ways you can do that is by going out of your way to encourage her with…
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Kindness Currency – Motivating Kids to Kindness Through Positive Reinforcement
In an effort to save my hair from being pulled out and inspire our kids to be more positive, encouraging and kind this past summer, we set up a reward system. We wanted to see if we could encourage them to kindness through positive reinforcement. Kindness Currency I went to the bank and traded in my twenty…
“What Do You Do?” & Better Questions to Ask Someone You Just Met
I was reclining back in the dental chair, for the first time in 3 years, when the friendly hygienist asked me the one question I never quite know how to answer: “do you work?” Waiting for her to take her hands out of my mouth, I answered “uh huh”. She quickly followed up with: “what…
106 Ways to Spend Quality Time with Your Son
Since StrongLuv is all about “Strengthening Relationships One ACTION at a Time,” today I wanted to give you a handy resource of Fun and Creative Ways to Send Quality Time with Your Son. If you are anything like us, you have plenty of intentions of getting in some QT with your little man but you’re…
Blessing Bags – Helping the Homeless
Have you ever passed a homeless person and felt your heart sink knowing that you should do something but weren’t sure what? Sometimes when I see a homeless person I feel absolutely incompetent. The need is so great. What could I possibly do to help? Paralysis sets in and I do nothing at all. Fear…