Did you know when David and I got married we didn’t even speak the same language? It’s true! Instead of investing in Rosetta Stone to help us solve our language barrier, though, we picked up The Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman. In the book, Chapman breaks down the five main ways people express affection to…
Being A World Changer Looks Like This:
I grew up in a family of six, holding the coveted position of youngest child. Other than my older siblings regularly shooing me out of their business and telling me how annoying I was, my childhood was magical. I woke up to a kiss from my dad every morning as he left for work, to…
Kindness Currency – Motivating Kids to Kindness Through Positive Reinforcement
In an effort to save my hair from being pulled out and inspire our kids to be more positive, encouraging and kind this past summer, we set up a reward system. We wanted to see if we could encourage them to kindness through positive reinforcement. Kindness Currency I went to the bank and traded in my twenty…
106 Ways to Spend Quality Time with Your Son
Since StrongLuv is all about “Strengthening Relationships One ACTION at a Time,” today I wanted to give you a handy resource of Fun and Creative Ways to Send Quality Time with Your Son. If you are anything like us, you have plenty of intentions of getting in some QT with your little man but you’re…
Teaching Children to Ask for Forgiveness: 4 Guidelines to a Great Apology
Let’s not beat around the bush, teaching our children the value of taking responsibility for their actions and asking for forgiveness is tough work. Mostly because it’s something that has to be modeled more than anything else. It’s the standard “caught not taught” scenario. Unfortunately, lecturing our kids about the virtues of taking ownership of their behaviors…